Deborah DeVane



Writing and editing are two very different skills and processes.  Some people are excellent writers with the ability to create entire universes from a blank piece of paper.  Others are highly adept at perfecting a story; helping an author to hone their skill as a storyteller by sharpening and tightening their manuscript into a page turner that their readers simply can’t put down.

Editing one’s own material is often a difficult and frustrating exercise; one that takes the author out of the creative stream and forces them to move into the editorial mindset.

Being objective about your ‘baby’ is not for the weak of heart.  It takes a practiced eye and skill to be able to find the mistakes that exist in all manuscripts-in-progress; to be able to strategically define and refine the story structure; to impartially work to strengthen the story without overwriting, losing the author’s unique voice, or clouding their vision; and to ensure continuity on all levels from beginning of story to end.  That’s where an editor can make or break a manuscript.  

Whether you’re self published, contracted and published with an established house, or excitedly working on your very first submission, everyone needs fresh eyes on their story and constructive, impartial feedback.

I am a seasoned editor, so I understand what it takes to develop a story structure and the angst inducing process involved in offering up your fledgling child for others to review and revise.  I’ve worked successfully with manuscripts in genres of fiction, non-fiction, romance, and graphic novels; taking them from first edit to publication.

I keep my client list private and each project is kept strictly confidential.

What do you receive from my experience and expertise? I provide a line edit, continuity read and story structure analysis, and a critique for $1500 on a manuscript up to 100,000 words. Contact me for prices on longer manuscripts or different editorial needs.

If you are interested in obtaining my editorial services, please click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it to me.  If you would like to contact me directly I can be reached at Editor@DeborahDeVane”dot”com.

I look forward to discussing your project and hopefully working with you on making your manuscript ready to impress all the publishers out there who are looking for exactly what you have to offer.

Deborah DeVane, Editor